Antioxidant-Rich Morning Smoothie

Antioxidants help our body in removing free radicals from the bloodstream and help against premature aging.

Antioxidants are essential for longevity and overall health. In addition to slowing the signs of aging, they help in preventing cancer, support the immune system, help in preventing heart diseases, reduce the risk of dementia and improve eye sight.



3 Bananas

10 Fresh Dates

1 cup of Blueberries

2 Tbsp of Acai Powder

2 tsp OptiMSM Flakes

1 tsp Acerola Cherry Powder

1/2 cup of Oat Milk (or any other plantbased milk)

Water  as much as desired

Social Anxiety and Fermented Foods

When hearing about social anxiety you probably think first about the mind and not the stomach. However, what is going on in our stomach is more important for our mental health than we think.

In a recent study researchers were investigating the connection between fermented foods, which contain probiotics and social anxiety. The main findings were that people who consumed fermented foods had indeed reduced social anxiety. Apparently microorganisms in your gut can influence your mind.

It is well known that the enteric nervous system is in our gut and it is often referred to as our second brain. So can it be that a big part of our emotions are influenced by the nerves in our gut?

Other Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

  • Aids digestion and improves bowel movement
  • Increases the absorption of nutrients
  • Facilitates weightloss
  • Increases immunity
  • Improves brain function
  • Reduces risks of some cancers



Matthew R. Hilimire, Jordan E. DeVylder, Catherine A. Forestell. Fermented foods, neuroticism, and social anxiety: An interaction model. Psychiatry Research, 2015; 228 (2): 203 DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.04.023

Dandelion Root. The cure for Cancer?

According to recent studies Dandelion root may kill up to 98% of cancers cells in only 24 hours. Dandelion root extract  could be a non-toxic and effective anti-cancer alternative treatment for reducing the occurrence of cancer cells. Dandelion root extract also seems to only attack cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells, it selectively impairs the migration of for example colon cancer cells.  It might be considered as a non-toxic alternative to convention cancer therapy today. The usage is already approved by Health  Canada for Phase I clinical trials in hematological cancers.

Already in 1999 Japanese laboratory research published an article about the dandelion root’s antitumor potential and concluded that the root could be a valuable agent against cancer.

Dandelions have been used for centuries in different cultures all around the world to treat all kinds of ailments. The leaves which can be used in salads have long been used as a diuretic. Unlike many other diuretics it does not cause a loss of potassium because dandelion leaves already contain high amounts of potassium themselves. In addition, it is effective to treat high blood pressure by reducing the volume of fluid in the body.  The root is proven to be good for the liver as it is detoxifying. It works also on the gallbladder to help remove waste products and stimulates the kidneys to remove toxins from the urine. The leaves as well as the root can be used to prevent gallstones and dissolve already formed gallstones.

Dandelion can be used for many conditions including, skin problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. As well as for arthritic conditions such as osteoarthritis and gout. It is also beneficial for constipation.



Chevallier, Andrew. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2000. Print

Alternative Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

Keep in mind that the bedroom is a place for romance and relaxation.

  • Use Lavender essential oil. Sprinkle a few drops on a piece of tissue and put it under your pillow, make your own room spray by mixing it with water, or use an aromatherapy diffuser.
  • Use organic cotton sheets and make sure to have a comfortable and inviting bed.
  • The bed should be solid and stable.
  • Avoid the color red. Soothing pale colors are appropriate.
  • No plants. Plants can drain the room of auspicious vibrations.
  • The bedroom shouldn’t be too warm but you shouldn’t be freezing as well. Try to keep the temperature around 65F or 19C.
  • Try Valerian, Chamomile or Lemon Balm Tea.
  • Clear the air. Don’t go to bed in the middle of an argument.
  • Clear the clutter. The bedroom should be a calm and relaxing environment.
  • Don’t work or watch TV in the bedroom.  Too many books can also be to stimulating.
  • Clocks and phones should be kept away from the bed as they provide too much electromagnetic stimulation.
  • Be in the present. Don’t worry about the past or future.

5 Health Benefits of Kombucha

Kombucha is a green or black tea drink that is fermented. Kombucha is produced by fermenting tea using a symbiotic ‘colony’ of bacteria and yeast,  also known as scoby.


Health Benefits OF Kombucha


The Benefits:

  1. Kombucha is immune boosting.
    It is high in antioxidants, which are great for the  immune system and increase  energy levels.
  2. It detoxifies and helps prevent a wide variety of diseases. Detoxification produces healthy livers and aides cancer prevention.
  3. It contains glucosamines, which help in preventing and treating all forms of arthritis.
  4. It supports a healthy gut.
  5. It prevents and heals stomach ulcers.